


On 17 December 2013, I published the results of my Krautreporter project at WirtschaftsWoche Online under the title “Wie deutsche Städte von Steuerparadiesen profitieren” (How German cities take advantage of tax havens). The article deals with company shareholdings of the cities of Cologne and Frankfurt in the US tax haven Delaware. On 30 October 2013, I kicked-off the pitch for my research project “Das Firmengeflecht der Stadt Köln” (The corporate network of the city of Cologne) via the crowdfunding platform “Krautreporter”. The research project’s objective was to find out more about the shareholdings of the city of Cologne in countries such as Poland, Romania or Luxemburg. My Krautreporter pitch was successfully financed at a rate of 121 percent.


In the media section of Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung I told the story of my research on procurement and contracting practice at WDR (cf. “WDR”) which had taken seven years to complete. The article is available online.


On 3 August 2013 I participated in a discussion on ethnic profiling at the 28th National Meeting of Initiative Schwarze Menschen in Deutschland (Initiative Black People in Germany) in Helmarshausen, Hesse, Germany, on the occasion of my publications on this topic in the SPIEGEL magazine and the weekly der Freitag earlier that year (cf. “Ethnic Profiling”).


On 31 July 2013, I held a workshop on Google for advanced users, internet research tools and legal provisions on the freedom of information, targeting members of the editorial team of the student media magazine Medienblick Bonn at the Institut für Sprach-, Medien- und Musikwissenschaft (ISMM), Media Sciences Department, of the University of Bonn. Medienblick Bonn covered this workshop here.


On 11 March 2013, I participated in the LiMA-Werkstatt of Linke Medienakademie (LiMA) in Berlin and held two workshops on “internet research tools” and “investigative research”. The latter (cf. photo) was covered by the daily newspaper “Neues Deutschland” with the title “Anleitung zum Unbequemsein” (How to be bothersome) in the LiMA blog.

Foto Marvin Oppong LiMA #13 Linke Medienakademie

photo: Franziska Senkel


On 7/10 January 2013 and 17/20 December 2012 I reported for the third time on investigative research to an audience of students of the university course Tech Journalism at Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences in the “research” seminar of Prof Dr Katharina Seuser. The topics covered included my action for disclosure filed against WDR, the use of the existing legal provisions on the freedom of information as an instrument for research and various internet research tools.


Older entries (2012-2008)